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Google & Bing are replacing Bidding Strategy from “Manual CPC” with “Enhanced CPC”

19 Mar 2021 By Dawar Khan

Bing has replaced “Manual CPC” with “Enhanced CPC”. Google will follow it (Google is following footsteps of Bing! Strange!) sooner or later. Yes that’s true. Bing has decided that now is the time to end the Manual CPC, and replace all existing Campaign’s bid strategy to Enhanced CPC. Microsoft has already announced that starting from March 2021 till April 2021, they will migrate Ads Campaigns without automate Bid Strategy with Enhanced CPC automatically. The excerpt is given below:

Starting in March 2021 and continuing through April 2021, all existing search, shopping, and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns without any automated bidding strategies in place will be automatically migrated to Enhanced CPC. All ad groups and keywords will also be set to inherit bidding from their parent campaign.

To make this migration seamless, starting on April 5, 2021, any new campaigns created will no longer have the option of Manual CPC. By April 30, 2021 any campaigns not yet using eCPC will be automatically migrated.

Google on the other hand, hasn't given any time frame yet, but it will also end the Manual Bid Strategy sooner or later.

Here's a comprehensive guide to understand the transition and what it means for advertisers:

What is eCPC?

Enhanced CPC is an advanced bidding strategy that automatically adjusts bids based on the likelihood of a conversion. The algorithm analyzes various signals, such as past conversion data and the performance of keywords, to determine the best bid amount for each auction. This results in more conversions and improved return on investment (ROI) for advertisers.

Why the switch?

The transition to eCPC is aimed at helping advertisers get better results from their campaigns. The eCPC algorithm is designed to optimize bids in real-time, ensuring that the right people see your ads at the right time and increasing the chances of a conversion. This allows advertisers to get more value out of their advertising spend.

How it works

With eCPC, AdWords will adjust your bids based on the likelihood of a conversion. This means that AdWords will bid higher for clicks that are more likely to convert and lower for clicks that are less likely to convert. The algorithm takes into account various signals, such as the device type, location, time of day, and relevance of the ad to the user's search query. This helps to ensure that your ads are being shown to the right people, at the right time, and for the right amount.

What advertisers need to do

Advertisers who are currently using manual CPC bidding will need to switch to eCPC to take advantage of the new bidding strategy. The transition can be done through the AdWords interface and is straightforward. Advertisers can also continue to use manual bid adjustments if they prefer, but the eCPC algorithm will continue to optimize bids in real-time.

Benefits of eCPC

The main benefit of eCPC is that it allows advertisers to get more conversions while spending less money. This results in better ROI and a more successful advertising campaign. By optimizing bids based on the likelihood of a conversion, eCPC ensures that your ads are being shown to the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of a conversion.

In conclusion, the switch to eCPC bidding by Google and Bing AdWords is a positive change for advertisers. Advertisers can take advantage of the benefits of eCPC by switching to the new bidding strategy and maximizing the value of their campaigns.



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